Saturday, September 29, 2007

Going potty!

So I am not trying to potty train Nolan, but he has been very interested in the whole potty thing. Anyways today we were playing outside and all of a sudden I see him stop in his tracks and start to grunt. I asked do you have to go potty? I took him in and he went poop on the potty. He was so pleased with himself. He flushed the toilet and said good bye to his beloved poop and then gave me a high five. His face was so cute when he saw what he had done. I hope he is easy to train, only time will tell. I think he is still to young but at least for now he has no fear of the potty, so that is a step in the right direction!

Friday, September 28, 2007

I am tied!

Today I woke up and had morning sickness #5. I am now tied for when I was expecting Nolan! OH yeah. Nolan was so funny. He kept coming into the bathroom laughing and saying bye bye pee pee. Hi potty!!! :) I think he was a little confused! Oh well he is only 18 mts old.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Back to work! :(

Well I bit the bullet and signed up for a sub job today. Thankfully it was a half day job. I get so tried anymore I don't know if I could of lasted all day. I got up around 6:30 when Gail leaves for work. My mom came over around that time to watch Nolan. I had to be at work at 7:50 Am. Wow that is really early for me, but I better get use to not sleeping in anymore when baby #2 comes along! :0 Anyways school did not even start until 8;40, not for sure why I had to be there that early, but hey I get paid for it. I was only there until 12:00 and got home soon after that. What was best about today was that I did not stay in one classroom. They were having meetings today so I would move to different rooms when that teachers meeting was over. I love that because then if you are in a classroom that is crazy you know you will not be there all day! :) However, this day was super easy! :) Yeah!!! If all sub jobs were like today I would be willing to sub more often! ;)
when I got home my mom told me the funniest thing:
Nolan work up around 8:30 am . He was happy to see G-ma Hon.
He walked to the kitchen stopped by the fridge and said "where's mommy?"
G-ma said: Mommy is at work. Nolan: NO! Daddy work!!!(with his finger pointed no too!) He then proceeded to look around the house to find me. He then realized it was true!!! :( Boy I missed him today!

Morning sickness # 4

Last night I was having some side pains. My doctor had told me he believes that my ligaments are stretching. Nothing to be concerned about. I just don't remember it being that painful with Nolan. Anyways... Gail was teasing me last night about the whole pregnancy mood, sickness, and stuff. I told him that I wish he could be pregnant for one day. I bet all men in the world would have a new found respect for women if they could just go through one day of being pregnant. he gladly said he would do it for one day. He even teased me that He could handle the pain better. Yeah right! :) Well in bed last night i was not feeling to hot. I ran to the porcelain thrown and got sick. He immediately said YOu win.... You have it worst... :) He is so funny!!! ;)
Well if I get sick one more time I will be tied for when I was expecting Nolan. Oh yeah!!!

Monday, September 24, 2007

baby time line!!!

Baby update!!! I won't have my ultrasound until probably around 20 weeks. So about 1 month to go before we find out!!! :)

pregnancy week by week

Saturday, September 22, 2007

Apple festival and fire trucks!!!

Watching the cookies bake!

Nolan got so excited watching and waiting for some yummy Chocolate chip cookies bake in the oven the other day.

Belly laughing at the cookies baking!

Nolan playing with Daddy in the leaves

Here are some cute pictures of Nolan and Daddy playing in the leaves last Sunday!!!
(Click on pictures to enlarge them)

Friday, September 21, 2007

4th month/15weeks Dr. Appt.

Sunday I will be 15 weeks along in my pregnancy. I went to the doctor today and all is well! Thank you Lord! We heard the heartbeat again... He had trouble getting a good listen at first because the baby kept moving on him, but finally the baby cooperated. My next appt. is Out. 12th. I will have blood taken that day! Yuck!!! :( He will also give me the horrible drink that I will have to drink for the next appt. in Nov. He also mentioned around 20 weeks maybe another ultrasound. So maybe we will find out what we are having at that time.
On another note: Nolan turned 18 months today!!! I was just getting use to 17 months and this month flew bye me! :( It is bitter sweet. I want March to come so I can welcome our new bundle of joy, but I am sad that my baby boy will be two in March!!! :) he is at a great stage. So much fun. He makes me laugh and smile a lot. We are so blessed that God gave him to us. Children are so much work, but it is sooooooo worth it. So many rewards come from having kids in your life!!!!! Thank you Lord with blessing us with another one!!! :)

Monday, September 17, 2007

Morning sickness = no dirty diaper change!!! :)

This is the 3rd time I have gotten sick now with this pregnancy. I have noticed that the last two times have to due with smells. This morning Nolan was playing at the kitchen table while I was washing dishes. Gail was working on the computer in the other room. All of a sudden Nolan comes up to me with something brown on his finger and it smelled really bad. Yelp you guessed it he stuck his finger in his dirty diaper. Yuck!!! I washed his hands and was thinking wow this really stinks.... So Gail took him back to the bedroom so I could change him. When I took the diaper off the smell was so strong that I started to get sick. Good thing Gail was around, unfortunately for him he had to change the diaper while I was visiting the bathroom thrown. Gail kept joking that I was faking it just to get out of a diaper change.... However, my sweet son just kept calling out Mommy, mommy, because he was concerned about me! :)

Friday, September 14, 2007

Nolan on his first horse.

Wow it has been awhile since I have updated my blog.... Well I am back!!! Last week we were driving by Kroger and they had a man taking pictures of your kid on a pony! He dressed them up in costume to look like a cowboy. Here are some pictures of Nolan on his first horse. He loved it. He got excited when he saw the horse and petted it. He got a big grin on his face when we put him on the horse!!! He loved it!!!! Enjoy!!!! ( click on pictures to make them bigger! )

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Big Boy!

My college friend Sara and her two girls stopped by yesterday for a nice visit. We had McDonald's for lunch and I let her little one use Nolan's high chair. Nolan thought it was cool to be sitting on a big chair eating his hamburger! He did a great job. Well that night he decided he would like to sit in the chair again for dinner. I thought sure why not. Gail and I just kept looking at him like wow he is getting too big!!! I can't believe how fast they grow up!!! Here are some pictures of him sitting at the table in a big chair feeding himself spaghetti! :)

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Labor Day!

Well we spent labor day sleeping in, cleaning a little, going to KI and then to Gail's sisters house for a cookout with his side of the family! Fun!!!! Enjoy the pictures!!!

Horse and buggy ride!

G-ma took Nolan on a free horse and buggy ride! He loved it!!!!

Giving the horse a kiss!

Hi Mom!!!