Well I bit the bullet and signed up for a sub job today. Thankfully it was a half day job. I get so tried anymore I don't know if I could of lasted all day. I got up around 6:30 when Gail leaves for work. My mom came over around that time to watch Nolan. I had to be at work at 7:50 Am. Wow that is really early for me, but I better get use to not sleeping in anymore when baby #2 comes along! :0 Anyways school did not even start until 8;40, not for sure why I had to be there that early, but hey I get paid for it. I was only there until 12:00 and got home soon after that. What was best about today was that I did not stay in one classroom. They were having meetings today so I would move to different rooms when that teachers meeting was over. I love that because then if you are in a classroom that is crazy you know you will not be there all day! :) However, this day was super easy! :) Yeah!!! If all sub jobs were like today I would be willing to sub more often! ;)
when I got home my mom told me the funniest thing:
Nolan work up around 8:30 am . He was happy to see G-ma Hon.
He walked to the kitchen stopped by the fridge and said "where's mommy?"
G-ma said: Mommy is at work. Nolan: NO! Daddy work!!!(with his finger pointed no too!) He then proceeded to look around the house to find me. He then realized it was true!!! :( Boy I missed him today!