Monday, August 27, 2007

Indiana Trip!!

My mom, Nolan, and I headed to Indiana on Friday morning to visit my brother, Thomas and his family. We had a great time and Nolan loved having 5 other playmates around. My brothers youngest child Joshua is only 6 mts older than Nolan so they were getting along great! my brother just moved into a new house. Actually they bought Gina's (Thomas's wife) mothers house. Gina and her family grew up in the house and it was only down the street from the house they sold so they could moved some items over just by a short walk! Nice! They have made a lot of renovations on the house and it is looking really good. I know they are happier with a bigger home with more space, but they will be really happy when they have all the renovations complete.

While we were in Indian Two big things happened:

We went out to eat for my sister-in-laws b-day Sunday night after church. Nolan was eating some chips that my mom and I had broke into very very small pieces. However, about after the 4th chip he started gaging and chocking. I tried to get the chip out but it was lodged in his throat. I finally was able to get him to throw it up! I was actually pretty claim during this time, until after he threw up the chip he then threw up blood, and more blood. I took him to the bathroom, where I am now getting really scared...My sister in law comes in and he throws up more blood. we gave him some water and that seemed to help. Then turned him upside down to look into his mouth and saw he had cut the top of his roof and back of his cheek. He was ok, but I can't believe all the blood. I was almost ready to take him to the hospital!!! I have been praying and thanking the Lord all night and all day today for keeping him safe. So needless to say my child will not have another chip until he is 32! :) Maybe I will just put him back on baby food! ;) (Just kidding, but I sure would feel safer!)

Growing up:
First Hair cut! Sniff Sniff!!!! :(
Ok, so I broke down this weekend and allowed my sister-in-law to cut my son's hair. She did a great job. He still has some curls and still looks somewhat babyish to me still. However, when Gail saw him, he liked it, but said it made him look older.. Sniff sniff.... I saved some of his hair to put in his scrap book. He did really well getting his hair cut. Check out the video and pictures below:

Pictures of Cousins playing:

Video of First Hair cut!

1 comment:

marshan said...

awww his hair looks cute.