Monday, June 30, 2008

Children's Muesum

Nolan petting a really big cockroach

Nathaniel being a little pearl in a big
clam shell

Playing house

Mommy and Nolan watching the turtles

Did I mention how we left the house around noonish and our gas light came on. Gail said oh we have plenty of gas to get us where we need to go today. Well we made it until coming home from the museum we ran out of gas on the high way. Carolyn, his mother, was very nice to come and save the day. Gail was still saying how we should of had enough gas, but my thought is and always will be if the gas light comes on, go get gas!!!! Thanks Carolyn for saving us!! :) Oh yeah lets just say I was not very happy with my hubby!!!!

1 comment:

Billie said...

That is a wonderful day, except the running out of gas. Steve does the same thing, I'm always waiting to run out.