Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Kaleb's B-day party!!!

Nolan was invited to his first b-day party today. It was for Kaleb's 3rd birthday. He is a boy from our church and he is adorable. We went to Chuck E Cheeses and played games, ate cake and watched Kaleb open up some really cool gifts. I almost brought my camera, but was glad not to carry it around.. so no pictures. But he had a lot of fun playing with all the boys and girls. HAPPY b-DAY KALEB!!!! Since we were close to g-ma and G-pa's house we stopped by there to visit awhile, ate lunch, and then help G-ma put up the Christmas tree. Now we are home and someone is on the cranky side due to the fact he did not get a nap today. Oh well. Word World is on now and he is happy. I love that show, and he is learning so much from that show and Super Why. He can identify the letters, a, b, c t, s, and o. He will even say ABC for you.
Well Laundry is calling my name, when is it not... but thankful all is clean just needs to be folded and put away. I can't believe the amount of laundry 3 people can produce.... My hat is off to all you mothers out there with large families. I don't know how you keep up with the laundry.....

Saturday, November 24, 2007

Terrell"s Thanksgiving

Today we ate Lunch at Carolyn's house (Gail's mom). We had a nice lunch and a relaxing time just kicking back and talking with the whole family. Here are some pictures. (click on collages to make bigger)

Rachel (Top left), Candice and Deb (top right)
Josh, Abby, Elaine, and Carolyn

Nolan of course had to play video games.
He loved sitting and just watching the fire in the fire place.
The big kids and adults played with Nolan's new toy more
than he did.

Hon's Thanksgiving

Gail, Nolan, Lion (our dog) and I headed up north to Indiana on Wednesday. We stayed until Friday and had a wonderful Thanksgiving dinner with my brother, Thomas, his wife Gina, and their 5 great kids. Gina's side of the family were there too, and it was great getting to see and talk to them again too. Nolan had a ball with all the kids. You see my brother has 5 kids, Gina's sister has 6 and her brother had 4 there, but him and his wife were busy in the hospital giving birth to their 5th child on Thanksgiving day! Yeah It was a girl. It was nice for Nolan to have so many kids around his age to play with. IT was cute watching all of them. Here are some pictures of our trip and Thanksgiving in Indiana. (if you click on one of the collages you can make the pictures bigger)

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Fall Photos

Here are Nolan's fall pictures:

More Fall Photos

Dear God,
Why must my mommy take pictures of me
every month?


Last Sunday was Fast Food Sunday. After our regular morning service we all went and grabbed some kind of fast food and came back to the church to eat and fellowship. Than we had a nice afternoon service. When we got home around 3:00 that day we put Nolan down for a nap cuddled up on the couch and watched a movie. Later we ordered pizza for dinner. When the pizza arrived I told Nolan to go sit on his chair at the table. As Gail and I were putting pizza on plates we looked over to see Nolan at the table head bowed, hands folded in his lap, eyes closed, and he was mumbling something. Than at the end he said AMEN! The cute kid prayed all by himself over his food. It was so cute....

Morning Sickness stinks!!! :)

Ok, so I have been getting up around 6:00 am to eat breakfast now. Yes I go right back to bed after I am done eating, but I am determined to stick to this gestational diabetes diet. However, breakfast that early does not settle very well with me. I almost got sick yesterday, and today I did get sick. On top of that Nolan must of heard me getting sick this morning and decided he needed to wake up at 7:00 am. OH yeah!!!! Then decides to leave a very pleasant load in his pants almost sending me straight to the bathroom again. This new baby has given me more heartburn and morning sickness than when I was pregnant with Nolan. I really can't wait for March to come and meet him. Plus I am looking forward to NO MORE MORNING SICKNESS!!!!!!! OK Venting is over.... Plus side of today is that I am hoping Nolan will take an early nap since he got up earlier! :) Fingers crossed!!!!

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Marshan's 30th Surprise Party!!! :)

So our Sunday School Class (Young Marrieds) had a late night bowling activity planned. Well My friend Marshan's 30th B-day is this week too so I helped her husband pull of a surprise party for her. She was totally clueless on the party.


Yummy Cake!!!

We had plenty of gag gifts for her too. She had to wear all of them,
well most of them.....:)

So cute!!!!

More b-day pictures & bowling

MY brother-in-Law Steve
Had to catch this on camera he
is serving the cake! :)

Friday, November 9, 2007

Dr. Appointment

I had my 5 month check up for the baby today. I heard the heart beat and found out that there is sugar in my urine. OH yeah... That just means that I am most likely starting to develop gestational diabetes again. I had this with Nolan and it was not that big of a deal. It can be serious if you don't take care of it but thankfully mine was managed by diet and testing my blood levels everyday. So I am hoping that that will be all I have to do this time too. I have to drink the yucky orange drink for my gestational diabetes test next month. This is normal everyone has to take this test. I am just more prepared this time with knowledge and the fact they have already found sugar in my urine that I most likely will be found to have it again. So the drink sits in my fridge waiting to be drunk next month... Yeah!!!! My doctor told me that I should go ahead and start the gestational diabetes diet now. So I think I will start it on Monday. I will take Thanksgiving day off... Seeing I have not actually been tested yet... :) The diet really is not that bad, just annoying because it does not fit into everyones schedule. I have to eat every 3 hours and can only have so many carbs during each hour. It is not bad, but it is hard for holidays and other family gatherings, and working when you have to eat at an exact time and only certain foods. Yes, I am pretty strict about the whole thing too. I did not cheat once last time when I was diagnosed and don't plan on it this time either, once I am officially diagnosed. I could not live with myself if I knew I could have prevented something with such easy methods to control it.

Monday, November 5, 2007


We found Nolan with his Elmo doll in a laundry basket
watching the cartoon Word World.

This was Nolan's first ring sucker! He really liked it!
We had some other pictures to show how blue his teeth, tongue, face,
and hands were, but they were too blurry due to him moving around to much!