Saturday, June 30, 2007

Happy 4th of July

Another photo shoot. This time I took pictures for the 4th of July! Happy 4th of July everyone.
Let me know which one you like the best. I can't decided. (Exactly 15 months here)






Zoo Trip

Today we went to the Cincinnati Zoo! After the zoo we ate at Potbellies and shopped at the bookstore. Potbellies was good, but I love Pomodoris better!!! :) (I don't think I spelled that right)

I am not for sure of this thing!!

Do you like my new necklace?

Daddy, Nolan, and a polar bear

Mommy and Noland looking at the bears.

more zoo pictures

Last of zoo pictures and video

Nolan and the Manatees

Nolan feeds the Goats

Thursday, June 28, 2007


Well, I had to take Nolan back to the doctors on Wed. He has had this horrible deep barking cough. He is acting normal other wise, had a sight fever, but I thought it was due to teething and/or shots from Friday's 15 month checkup. Fever only lasted two days and it was so mild. Well his coughing just kept getting worse. The doctor checked him over, and of course the little man acted like he was perfectly fine around the doctor, Not one coughing spell, and his ears, lungs, and throat were fine. The doctor said it was probably a virus and prescribed a cough medicine for him. Well as we were walking from the doctors office to the car the little man had another coughing fit and he did this all the way home. He even had a rough night. I think my doctor thought I was a little loony, but must have believed me somewhat since he prescribed him medicine. Anyways Nolan scared me this morning with a very long coughing fit to the point he turned a deep reddish/purple and then gagged and spit up lots of clear Flem. :) this made him feel a lot better and he has had a better day because of it... :) I don't enjoy those scary moments of parenthood. He even had really big crocodile tears coming down his cheek.

On a less gross note: While we were at the doctors office he said a sentence. A 3 word sentence. Now he has said Hi kitty, or hi doggy, but this time he repeated what my mother said. He repeated the sentence: "Here it is."

He is a clever little boy. He likes to take my keys and try to open the house door and car doors with them. I guess he just picked that up by watching us.

That little stinker just figured out how to open a part of our printer that I could not figure out how to open! I mean I sat here for hours the other day trying to fix that dumb printer and trying to figure out how to open one of the compartment doors and that little genius just figured it out in two seconds! He is going to be a computer genius!!!

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Pray for Darlene Ervin/Grandma

Here is the latest on Darlene Ervin that Carolyn Terrell wrote:

(Darlene Ervin) will have surgery on her left shoulder on
Tuesday, June 26, at 11:00 AM. She is to be at Bethesda Hospital,
Montgomery Road,
at 8 AM. The pre-examination will be done at that time. Dr. Gangl said it
will take an hour to do the surgery.

Dr. Gangl, the orthopedic surgeon, said the ball of the socket is like
chalk & is moved down from the shoulder. Dr. Gangl called it a half shoulder
surgery. He had hoped the arm hanging cast he put on her Monday, June 18,
would align the bones up, but it didn't. Her fall was on Friday, June 15.

So, pray for Grandma Ervin (Darlene) She will be in the hospital for a
couple of days. She is 81, so it won't be too easy on her!

Monday, June 25, 2007

New tooth

We have noticed Nolan really chewing on his finger lately. When we took him to the doctor the Doctor noticed an in coming tooth. He had a slight fever last night and today which he always gets when he is teething. So My baby boy is getting tooth # 9.

Child Training Tips

Our young marrieds class will be starting a new series in our class in a few weeks on child training tips. Our teacher and his wife recommended this book by Reb Bradley called: Child Training Tips.
I would recommend that anyone planning on having children read this book before doing so.. and if you have children it is never to late to learn how to train your child right. By what I mean right is by what the Bible says. "The purpose of this book is simply to expose to parents possible blind spot, and to offer practical tips and biblically-based help in overcoming them." I just finished the book and it was a great refresher of what I already knew, didn't know, and need to know. If you don't have a church home come and visit our church : Morning Star Baptist in West Chester , Ohio....

Saturday, June 23, 2007


Our churches young marrieds class had an awesome cookout today. It was hosted by the halls family, (which is my sister-in-laws house). We had a great turn out and a lot of fun. Here are some pictures of our day.

Christy and Megan

Amy and Lindsey


Jamie, Josh, Matt, Nolan & Sam

(Yes she saw this picture, Yes she is going to kill me)
However, I only put this on my web because my sister-in-law has
a great sense of humor!!!!

more pictures

Shrrrr... They are trying to play volleyball!!!

Kid Zone

Nolan had to bring his 75 cent lawn mower with him.
He would not let go of this toy all day. He found it at a garage sale and became very attached to it. He looks so cute playing with it!

Friday, June 22, 2007


My brother surprised us tonight by riding his new Motorcycle all the way from Indiana to Ohio. (4 hour trip). Anyways my parents were delighted to see him and called us to tell us the news. Gail and I immediately went over to see him. Nolan loved pretending that he was driving the motorcycle. My mom even rode it with my brother down the street. Here are a few pictures:

Hey girls want a ride?

This is so cool!

I will only pose for a moment for the cameras!

My Uncle is so cool!

My G-ma Hon is a dare devil!!!

15 month Checkup

Nolan went for his 15 month checkup. He had 3 shots today! :( Poor little guy!!!! He got one shot in each leg and one in his arm!

Head Count: 19 1/4

Height: 32 inches 75%

Weight: 25.2 pounds 55%

They gave him a sucker as they were giving him his shots. Yeah that did not work well! However, they felt so bad for him the receptionist gave him two more suckers for later!!! That made him happy. The boy loves suckers!!! Just not when he is getting shots! :(
Having to see your kids get shots is not fun!!!

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Alma boys visit

My friend Marshan had her 5th child yesterday, a baby girl! :) My sister in law watched the boys all day yesterday and had them sleep over, and then I watched them today for awhile. They were the best behaved boys ever!!! :) It did not seem like there were 5 boys in my house ages 6 and under.Some of the boys are still not sold on having a baby sister, but I think they will come around soon. Anyways here are some pictures of the boys and Nolan playing today. Nolan just adored all the boys, but really was attached to Luke.

The boys loved playing BB

Learning our ABC's


The boys used plastic cups and made up a golf course!

MOre pictures


Luke eating a s'more

This s'more is finger licking good!

I don't know why you think I need a bath!

Just resting and watching Snoopy!

Last of The Alma boys pictures

Nolan just hanging out watching the boys play golf

Luke and Nolan watching a Snoopy Cartoon!

Nolan trying to keep Luke awake!

Monday, June 18, 2007

My B-day!!

Well today is the big day... I turn 31 years old today. The funny thing is I don't feel like I am 31. I really did not have any trouble turning 30. Did not really think much of it. Now Gail on the other hand had a hard time with the concept of age 30.

We started celebrating my b-day last night on Father's day. We had my mom pick up Nolan from our house after church. He spent the night with G-ma/G-Pa. First time he has ever spent the night somewhere without us. I called once to check on him and he was trying to give me kisses on the phone. :) Gail and I stayed up and watch 1 movie called DEJavu. (very good movie with Denzele Washington) Then we started another movie, but only watched about 1/2 hour of it before we started to get really tired. It was a nice evening.

Today we went to the two different libraries to find movies for his next video clip of History events for next Sunday's service. Then headed to Red Lobster for a nice lunch. I hate seafood, but love their Aztez Chicken dish. We then picked up Nolan from my parents house around 3:00 pm and took him to go get my B-day treat of Greater's Black Raspberry Chip ice cream! Yummy!!! We then headed over to visit Gail's G-ma Ervin.

As we were coming home Nolan fell asleep so we put him to bed around 6:00pm and we took advantage of this late nap with a nap of our own. Work up around 8:00 and will probably go back to bed around 10:00pm. Yeah! It was a nice relaxing b-day. Thanks mom and dad for watching him for us... it was nice sleeping in today!!!

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Back Yard Bible Club

Last Night was the first night of our Back yard Bible clubs. Our church added a fourth location this year at Gettysburg off of RT42. It was a slow start but we did end up with 10 children.Only 4 came from the trailer park, the rest were children from our church. We tried to canvas the area again that night, but we just could not find that many children in the park, and the ones we did fine were swimming in the pool. It was still a great night with singing, crafts, games, message, snow cones, and the best part was the pirates. When the pirates showed up we had almost every kid and parent in the pool stop and watch. We even had about 5 teens that sat in the play ground area watching. It was pretty cool. Hopefully we will have more tonight. Here are a few pictures of the night and video of the pirates visiting.

Update: Thur. Night we had 9 children come to BYBC. We had two new children and one took a lot of fliers with him to invite his friends. We even saw him hand them out! Cool huh!! So hopefully more will show up tomorrow! We were able to canvas the area before we started tonight and came across 6 children and out of them 2 came! So we must pray that word of mouth will spread and more will come and have fun...

Video of Pirates:

Saturday, June 9, 2007

Garage Sales

I have not been able to garage sale that much this summer. However, today I was able to get out and we hit some great sales. I have been wanting to get a lighter stroller. I love my big stroller, but my small umbrella stroller has no shade and is hard to steer because for some dumb reason they don't make the handles tall enough for people to push them with out slumping over as you walk and push it. I was able to find my new stroller for $10.00 and the funny thing is a few houses down from where I bought mine was trying to sell the exact stroller for $25.00. We talked them down to $12 and now my mom has a nice stroller for her car too. Yeah!!!

Stroller $10.00
Seen at stores online: for $49.00-$59.00

Toy Vacuum Cleaner ($1.00)
Beads in front bounce around and makes noise

Toy Stick horse ($4.00)
Makes noise and mouth moves