Monday, September 17, 2007

Morning sickness = no dirty diaper change!!! :)

This is the 3rd time I have gotten sick now with this pregnancy. I have noticed that the last two times have to due with smells. This morning Nolan was playing at the kitchen table while I was washing dishes. Gail was working on the computer in the other room. All of a sudden Nolan comes up to me with something brown on his finger and it smelled really bad. Yelp you guessed it he stuck his finger in his dirty diaper. Yuck!!! I washed his hands and was thinking wow this really stinks.... So Gail took him back to the bedroom so I could change him. When I took the diaper off the smell was so strong that I started to get sick. Good thing Gail was around, unfortunately for him he had to change the diaper while I was visiting the bathroom thrown. Gail kept joking that I was faking it just to get out of a diaper change.... However, my sweet son just kept calling out Mommy, mommy, because he was concerned about me! :)


Anonymous said...

you are faking!

marshan said...

well, at least you got a funny story to tell with this time of being sick! :)