Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Gone Fishing

My mom found this little boat for $2.00 at a garage sale last summer. I thought it would make for a great photo. However, Nolan was not in the mood to cooperate today. So I only got a few decent shots. Here are a few of him and his boat. (click on each picture if you want to see them bigger)

Packing up his gear

Starting the motor to the boat

Trying to catch a big fish

Really the fish was this big!!!

I love his face in this one.


marshan said...

they're still good pictures.

marshan said...

oh, and well...gotta love the age when they decide what they want to do.....and when they want to do it.

Anonymous said...

I love every picture of my wonderful grandson, Nolan Ryan!

Love, G/ma Terrell